Pittsburgh Project 2010

Romania 2010

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What God has been teaching us...

We asked each of the students to share in a sentence or two what God has been teaching them...
  • I learned that sometimes you have to sacrifice your own wants for your friends. ~Elizabeth Anderson
  • I have learned a lot about humility and I've realized that I have a passion for leading and serving. ~Chelsea Chamberlain
  • I learned how to humble myself. ~Jordan Chamberlain
  • I've learned that we all think we have a hard life but looking at these kids made me realize that we have it good. :) I have learned so much from this trip! ~Mei Dietrich
  • God is love. He is an amazing provider and He can take the worst of things (thank you Baltimore) and create miracles and prayer is so powerful! ~Jamie Fleury
  • It is almost impossible to put a trip like this into words and even harder to condense it into just a few lines. But this trip has completely broken my heart and created a great passion and love for the struggles that these inner city kids encounter. ~Scott Forslund
  • I have learned to always be content with what I have, because others have less than me. ~Sam Jenkins
  • "Sometimes the most important things in life are invisible." One thing I've learned is the best things we could give these kids are not material. Those things are our undivided attention and unconditional love. ~Katrina Kukor
  • God has really showed me some new eye opening things. I now know how bad the world can be but together we can change it. ~Sonya Kukor
  • Everyone needs love, no matter what that persons situation is. ~Katelyn Nuyen
  • I learned to appreciate everything I have and to show God's love through my actions. ~Kylie Oakes
  • This trip God has really opened my eyes and given me a heart for inner city Baltimore. ~Tyler Ohman
  • One of the many things God showed me this week is that even the smallest encouragement or hug went a long way in the lives of these kids and the team! :) Thanks for all the prayers! ~Ashton Palella
  • I learned that prayer is very powerful if it is for the benefit of God. ~Sam Peters
  • I learned that God places certain people in our lives for a reason. ~Courtney Schloesser
  • Prayer and relentless love can soften the hardest heart. ~Taylor Schultz
  • I was so encouraged by the people who live and serve here. They have such amazing hearts for God and are so faithful. I think God was showing me how I need to have a passionate heart for him. ~Alexa Sheets
  • I learned to become a hot cup of coffee and go full out for God and not just be lukewarm and only talk the talk but not walk the walk. ~Austin Sherwood
  • Anything is possible with God. ~Emily Smeed
  • I learned that you shouldn't complain about the gifts and food you get because the kids in Baltimore don't get much. ~Kyle Smith
  • You don't have to like someone to love them and a little love goes a long way. ~Eric Thompson
  • How ungrateful I am and how powerful God is. ~Nick Thompson
  • I learned that I am good at serving and I hope that never changes. ~Nadja VanPelt
  • Be-Love-Serve-Repeat. ~Michael Wiltshire
  • A spiritual fire is better than a spiritual high. ~Wil Witters
  • I learned how much prayer and love works in ways only God can imagine. Also how much hurt is out there and people don't really open their eyes long enough to see it. I am broken and I know God has more for me to learn from this. ~Ashton Wolcott

1 comment:

  1. Your words are such a blessing. Thank you all so much for stopping & giving Him praise... great is His faithfulness!
